See what is really going on in your pipeline

Your all-in-one analysis package. Simplify, enhance, and discover with live video streams, streamlined data analysis, and rugged portability. Pipeline studies, demos, and short-term analyses made effortless.

Liquid Carryover Studies

Discover a new level of efficiency and agility by performing a liquid carryover study with the LineVu Discovery system – an all-in-one, portable solution that provides actionable insights. Whether you are monitoring the performance of your phase separation and filtration system or the acceptability of gas imports, a short field study can be very cost-effective, improving process efficiency in gas processing or ensuring the acceptability of gas at custody transfer points.

As a temporary installation, LineVu Discovery is not normally connected to DCS or SCADA systems, with minimal management of change issues for the site.

During the study period, weekly review meetings are held to review the past week’s data and to plan any flow ramping, flow switching or multiple location testing. A written report at the end of the study period provides a data review, conclusions and, depending upon the study findings,  recommendations for next actions.

During the study, users have access to the LineVu Dashboard for up-to-the-minute access to videos and data analysis 24/7

Our Specialities

Fast Setup

Data Analysis


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User Benefits

A liquid carryover study with a Discovery system is a cost-effective choice. Evaluate filter performance and gas quality without a long-term commitment and with minimum costs. Once the relevance and severity of liquid carryover are understood, seamlessly transition from study to fixed installation, ensuring uninterrupted migration and consistent visual outputs for easy assessment. Benefit from remote Technical Support and effortlessly integrate LineVu data into your reports for cost-effective data analysis.

  • Access firm evidence
  • At custody transfer points, receivers can make better decisions
  • Decide the acceptability of the supply
  • Correct flow metre and calorific value readings for wet gas
  • Make the suppliers accountable when gas is outside of acceptable limits
  • Renegotiate costs
  • Lower risk of legal action
  • Reduce unscheduled shutdowns
  • Access better information
  • Quickly determine process failures
  • Improve operational decisions
  • Lower risk of financial penalties
  • Provide proof of dry gas
  • Lower compressor failures
  • Lower pipeline corrosion
  • Lower the risk of hydrate blockages
  • Decrease the requirement for pigging

Ready to revolutionize your process?