Pipeline Pigging: Maximizing Efficiency and Minimizing Threats to Assets

Pipeline pigging is a vital process within a natural gas transmission system, playing a crucial role in maintaining efficiency, safety, and compliance with industry standards. The term “pipeline pigging” refers to the practice of using devices to perform various maintenance and inspection tasks within the pipelines. These tasks range from cleaning and removing debris to inspecting the integrity of the pipeline and ensuring efficient flow of natural gas.

  1. Importance of Pigging

Efficiency is at the heart of any well-functioning natural gas transmission system. Over time, pipelines can accumulate unwanted materials such as wax, liquids, and debris, which can hinder the flow of gas and reduce efficiency. Pipeline pigging addresses this issue by employing pigs designed to clean and inspect the interior of the pipes. By removing these impediments, pigging ensures a smooth gas flow, optimizing the pipeline’s efficiency and reducing operational costs. Moreover, it aids in preventing potential corrosion to the pipeline and lowering the risk of compressor damage caused by build-up, thus prolonging the infrastructure’s lifespan.

  1. The Impact of Poor Pigging Practices

Inadequate or infrequent pigging can lead to a host of problems within the pipeline system. Accumulated contaminants can obstruct gas flow, resulting in reduced efficiency and increased energy consumption. Moreover, the presence of liquids and solids can potentially damage the pipeline infrastructure, leading to costly repairs and operational downtime. Poor pigging practices can also cause safety concerns as they may not comply with the stringent regulatory standards set forth to ensure the purity and safety of the gas being transported.

  1. Steps to Optimize the Pigging Process and Minimize Costs

Efficient pigging is essential for maintaining a reliable and cost-effective natural gas transmission system. To optimize the pigging process and minimize associated costs, integrating advanced technologies such as LineVu, a process Camera able to report pipeline contamination, is highly beneficial. LineVu is a cutting-edge solution designed to enhance the pigging process and mitigate costs linked to phase separation in high-pressure gas systems. By identifying and addressing contamination issues that might have otherwise gone unnoticed, LineVu contributes to safety compliance and enhances overall system efficiency.

With a camera installed on the pipeline, operators can tell when contamination has, or has not, been present and schedule pigging operations effectively. The camera can report on the level of contamination prior to and after pigging to ensure the operation has been successful or if further pigging is required to clear the line.

With LineVu, gas networks can achieve efficient monitoring of gas/liquid separation systems, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and preventing potential damage caused by contaminants. This not only guarantees operational safety but also translates into significant financial benefits by reducing operational costs associated with pipeline maintenance and repairs.


Effective management of phase separation in midstream natural gas pipelines is essential for ensuring safety compliance, reducing operational costs, and extending the equipment’s lifespan. Incorporating innovative technologies like LineVu, which employs process cameras to optimize the pigging process, can revolutionize the industry by enhancing efficiency, minimizing costs, and ensuring the seamless operation of the natural gas transmission system. Embracing such advancements is pivotal for a sustainable and efficient pipeline infrastructure in the ever-evolving energy landscape.

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About the author

Paul Stockwell, the managing director of Process Vision, is a renowned authority in moisture measurement with 35 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He founded International Moisture Analysers (IMA) and played a key role in advancing moisture measurement techniques. Notably, he introduced tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy for natural gas measurements, revolutionizing the field and establishing it as the industry standard method. Throughout his 20-year tenure as managing director, Paul has gained valuable insights into process optimization, cost reduction, and safety enhancement. His vision for Process Vision encompasses improving process throughput, reducing maintenance costs and CO2 emissions, and nurturing young engineering talent, aiming to make a significant difference in the oil and gas industry.

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